There are many ways to get involved in the life of Whatcoat Church Camden. You can find a way to match your God given talents and abilities with what is happening at the church.
Opportunities to Serve
There are many ways to get involved in the life of Whatcoat Church Camden. You can find a way to match your God given talents and abilities with what is happening at the church.
We are always looking for volunteers to make the morning worship experience warm and welcoming to all. We need friendly and cheerful greeters and folks to help make sure the coffee is hot and ready every Sunday.

There are several ways to serve in the music ministry of Whatcoat Church Camden. We have a traditional Choir, Bell Choir and a Praise Team with Full Band. We also have service opportunities on the Sound and Visual Team.
Creative Hands
This ministry is for anyone who wants to share their God given talents in a very unique fellowship group. The group supports different missions throughout the year. The group meets in the Library every Wednesday at 1:00.

Congregational Care
Congregational Care Ministry is a way for us to tend to the Spiritual and Physical needs of those who are connected to our faith family. It’s us looking out for each other. As part of the Congregational Care Team, you have the opportunity to visit with shut-ins, call and write letters to those who cannot attend regular worship services and provide meals for those who are sick or just need a helping hand. Please reach out to the church office to find out how you can get involved. 302-697-7539
Office Assistance
If you find yourself with free time throughout the week, the church office is always looking for help folding and stuffing the bulletins, cleaning and straightening the church, decorating for special Sundays and Holidays. Please contact the chuch office to see how you can get involved. 302-697-7539

Prayer is a vital part of our faith community and we believe that God works through intercessory prayer. You can be a part of the prayer team who meets every Wednesday at 2:00 in the Library to intercede for others.