Recovery and Support Groups
Whatcoat Church Camden supports several missions throughout the area. We are passionate about sharing God’s love with others who are hurting and struggling through this life. We know that Jesus is the answer.
These groups meet at the Simpson Center which is located at 8 North Main street in Camden. Please park at the church and follow the sidewalk to the Simpson Center.
Nar – Anon
Meets every Monday Evening at 6:00PM in the Simpson Center

Alcoholics Anonymous
We have several AA groups that meet at the Simpson Center
Sunday Evening – 7:00 – D/O
Tuesday Afternoon – 12:00 – D/O
Thursday Eventing – 7:00 – D/ST
Celebrate Recovery

GriefShare runs several sessions per year to help support those who have experienced loss. They typically run on Tuesday nights however we occasionally run a day time session. Please call the church to get the latest meeting schedule for GriefShare – 302-697-7539.